主要科教成果 |
1. Ding-Bang Luh, Chi-Hua WU, Ottavia Huang (2022.11), “Learning-to-Teach: A Case of Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurship Education in Taiwan”, Creative Education, 13(11): 3458- 3473. (DOI: 10.4236/ce.2022.1311221) (SCI) 2. Chi Hua WU, Yu-Lin CHAO, Jia-Ting XIONG, and Ding-Bang Luh (2022.12), “Gamification for Culture Preservation and Local Sustainable Development”, Sustainability, Special Issue·:Cross-Cultural Design for Sustainability: From Design Thinking to Design Strategy, Sustainability 2023, 15(1): 650-; DOI: 10.3390/su15010650 (SCI) 3. Yulin Zhao, Ding-Bang Luh, Yue Sun, and Fei Sun (2022.8), “A Design Thinking Technique of Letting Problems Solved by Self”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2022, DOI: 10.1155/2022/3265351 (SCI) 4. Xiaohong Mo and Dingbang Luh (2022.8), “Consumer emotional experience research on online clothing tactile attributes: evidence from physiological polygraph”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal © Emerald Publishing Limited , (DOI 10.1108/JFMM-03-2022-0063) (SCI) 5. Li Huai Chang and Ding Bang Luh (2022.1), “Reinventing Fantasy: The Reception of Fairy Tales”, Advances in Literary Study, 10(1):97-110 DOI: 10.4236/als.2022.101007 (SSCI) 6. Ottavia Huang, Ding-Bang Luh and Chao-Chih Huang (2016.3), “Festivals for Rejuvenating Attitudes toward Ageing: An Action Research”, International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries, 3(2):16-31. 7. Ding-Bang Luh, Helena Carolina Li and Yu-Jung Kao (2015.3), “The Development of a Companionship Scale of Artificial Pets”, Interacting with Computer, 27(2):189-201. (SCI/SSCI) 8. Siow-Kian Tan, Ding-Bang Luh , S-F Kong (2014.1), “A Taxonomy of Creative Tourists in Creative Tourism”, Tourism Management, 42:248-259. (SSCI) 9. Ming-Hsuan Hsieh, C-Y Huang, Ding-Bang Luh, S-F Liu, and C-H Ma (2013.8), “An Application of Implementing a Cognitive Structure Model to Obtain Consensus from Consumers”, International Journal of Design, 7(2):53-65. (SCI, SSCI, A&HCI) 10. Siow-Kian Tan, , Shiann-Far Kong, Ding-Bang Luh (2013.2), “A Model of Creative Experience in Creative Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 41:153-174. (SSCI) 11. Ding-Bang Luh and Chia-Chen Lu (2012.08), “From Cognitive Style to Creativity Achievement: The Mediating Role of Passion”, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 6(3):282-288. (SCI Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI) 12. Ding-Bang Luh, Yao-Tsung Ko and Chia-Hsiang Ma (2011.11), “A structural matrix-based modelling for designing product variety”, Journal of Engineering Design”, 22(11):1-29. (SCI) (Best paper of the year) |